A directory by Chayn listing various organisations and services that support survivors of gender-based violence globally. This includes helplines, in-person and online support.
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Point de Contact met à disposition des internautes différents outils de signalement qui leur permettent de signaler anonymement, gratuitement et simplement les contenus potentiellement illicites rencontrés en ligne.
Sanctuary for survivors of domestic violence, sex trafficking, and related forms of gender violence.
Report illegal content on the Internet, such as child pornography, child abuse, inappropriate child nudity or cybergrooming
We help children who are mistreated, abused, have personal or other problems.
Help victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence to get rapid assistance to healthcare assistance and referrals
Help children and students who find themselves in a difficult life situation or deal with everyday worries and problems that they don't know how to deal with.
Transgressive behavior online: Practical help, personal advice and tips for bystanders.
The national center for reporting illegal content or activities on the Internet which fights against child abuse, and manifestations suppressing basic human rights and freedoms
En la defensa de los Niños, Niñas, Adolescentes y Mujeres especialmente afectados por la violencia, el abuso sexual, la discriminación y la exclusión social.