A directory by Chayn listing various organisations and services that support survivors of gender-based violence globally. This includes helplines, in-person and online support.
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Un espacio para mujeres, disidencias, diversidades, y activistas que resisten ante la violencia de género en internet.
To empower vulnerable children and women by providing professional services.
Informação anônima, confidencial, e gratuita pelo telefone às Vítimas de Violência Doméstica
A Voz de Apoio disponibiliza apoio emocional gratuito, de caráter pontual, anónimo e confidencial, sem julgamentos.
Solid Ground provides step-by-step guides for those facing online harassment or abuse in Singapore.
A APAV apoia pessoas vítimas de crime, seus familiares e amigos, de forma gratuita e confidencial.
http://saferinternet.at/ unterstützt vor allem Kinder, Jugendliche, Eltern und Lehrende beim sicheren, kompetenten und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit digitalen.
Grooming Argentina, acoso sexual de infancias a través de internet.
Ensure that people are protected against their personal privacy being violated through processing of personal data.
Wir beraten Sie kostenlos, vertraulich und anonym – in der ganzen Schweiz.
On receiving reports of illegal or harmful cases on the Internet, ThaiHotline will investigate each case and seek for cooperation from local and global organizations in supporting the creative and safe use of the Internet.
Free and confidential advice for anyone over 18 who is a victim of digital abuse
The Institute for the equality of women and men was created in December 2002 as the autonomous federal public institution responsible for guaranteeing and promoting gender equality and to combat any form of gender-based discrimination and inequality by developing and implementing a fitting legal framework, structures, strategies, tools and actions. The Institute aims at anchoring gender equality as natural in society in our actions and mentalities.
Inclusión digital, derechos humanos, activismo digital
Todas las personas con capacidad de gestar que quieran ejercer el derecho a la interrupción del embarazo pueden hacerlo en forma legal, segura y gratuita dentro del sistema sanitario.
If you, or someone you know has been harmed online, we’re here to provide the support you need.