A directory by Chayn listing various organisations and services that support survivors of gender-based violence globally. This includes helplines, in-person and online support.
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The intention of RCCs is to return the control that was taken during any experience of sexual violence.
We are here to make sure that every young person’s mental health is valued and supported.
Working to reduce the prevalence of illegal content online whilst breaking the cycle of abuse, exploitation and contribute to the prevention of repeat-victimisation.
The Revenge Porn Helpline is a UK service supporting adults (18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as revenge porn.
We want to make more people aware of the problem and impact of domestic violence.
spunout’s mission is to work collaboratively with young people to support our mental health and well-being
You will find, advice and free education resources addressing a range of internet safety concerns.
We can guide you through the options and give you advice on reporting, obtaining a forensic medical examination, advice on aftercare.
The Centre provides a safe, free, confidential space for survivors of child sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault.
If you've been affected by crime or a traumatic event, you can call your local Victim Support team in Wales.
We provide specialised services designed to support victims in coping and recovering, whilst empowering them to have their voices heard—both individually and collectively—on local and national platforms.
Fono de orientación, atendido por especialistas en violencia, que orienta a mujeres que sufren o son testigos de maltrato físico y/o psicológico.
Emergency line for survivors, Legal, Social Services and Psychological support